Dr. Elizabeth Michas: Rapid Resolution of Heartbreak Specialist

Don't Get Trapped in your brain's mental-emotional pain cycles after that breakup, when I can quickly help you break free to amazing love! 

Get Your FREE tips for Healing Heartbreak

Dr. Elizabeth Michas has the best tips and videos for you.

Take the FREE Lovestuck Quiz

Have you struggled with getting over your ex?

If so…YOUR BRAIN may be blocking you from having the love you deserve.

Romantic love today can be highly emotional and driven by unconscious patterns but not everyone is equally affected.

Discovering your Lovestuck quotient is the first step to healing your brain so you are totally free to love.

The Lovestuck quiz results will allow us to identify where your Brain is automatically playing you after a breakup, a measurement that is the key to designing the appropriate Get UnLovestuck program for your needs.

Take Quiz Now

Get Un-Lovestuck Lab

A three-month Group Coaching Program for you to get a whole brain reboot so you are calm, clear, and free for amazing love. Simple Science Solutions for Fixing Loneliness and Heartbreak with Your Natural Brain Power.

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Break Free of Heartbreak Mini-Course

A Five-Session Mini-Course that will Teach You this Proven Method of Healing After Heart Break Based on Principles of Neuroscience. Plus option to upgrade and add Weekly Group Coaching Call on Zoom with Dr. Elizabeth Michas

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As a Break-up Brain and Neuroplasticity for Rapid Heartbreak Recovery Expert-- Dr. Elizabeth Michas shares the cutting-edge research on Emotional Pain in Romantic Heartache plus the Neuroscience Keys for Rapidly Resolving Heartbreak in an all-in-one system for you to change your brain.

Everyone can benefit from a romantic reset to accelerate recovery post-breakup.

In the lab weekend you’ll discover the roots of emotional pain and how the brain can get Lovestuck.

Then as a scientist, you’ll apply emotional pain interventions for a brain-based tune-up so your mind works for you to find happiness again and freedom from the past hurts releasing subconscious blocks to future love and creating healthy love connections.

As featured in